By the pricking of my thumb, something something this way comes.
Today’s lesson comes in the shape of a little pin prick. Or. In this case, the tiny puncture wound from the tip of my girly pocket knife.
I did this to myself at work. Yes work. I’m working at the camp doing some top secret shit. Nah. It’s not top secret. But sometimes I like to pretend I’m a badass. Truthfully, what I’m doing doesn’t really matter. I’m working. Kinda full time. For now. And for that I’m grateful.
Anyway. I was changing the battery in a clock that has been stopped since the early days of Covid. I’ve restarted time. And I stabbed my thumb in the process.
My bowling thumb.
I love to bowl. For those of you who have been following along at home, you know this already. I’m not very good. Sure, I’m in a league, but my average is 130. Pretty average for our league. I’m an average kind of girl.
I’m making sure that in this return to work, I will continue to go to the lanes on Tuesday mornings. I bowl with friends and some other cool ladies. We solve the world's problems one ball at a time. It makes me happy.
With every full time job that I’ve ever had, the things I love to do in my free time fall to the wayside. Yoga. Bowling. Baking. BEING A MOM! This time I’m determined to hold onto all of those things. Be better about that mythical concept I keep hearing about: balance.
So. The thumb. The wound was small, but it hurt like a mother jumper everytime I threw the ball. And I bowled terribly because of it.
It made me think that perhaps I CAN’T do it all. I’ll have to choose. Yoga School or work. Bowling or work. Motherhood or work.
Bowling was difficult. But not impossible.
Holding onto all the pieces of me will be difficult. But not impossible.
Maybe I won’t bowl my average for a while. Maybe I won’t have an hour of yoga every day of the week anymore.
But this time I’ll do it right. I’ll keep the yoga. I’ll keep the bowling. I’ll be home to cook dinner for my kids every night. AND I get to go to work.
All these things that make me whole.
A long lesson given to me in the single stab of a knife.
I’ve been back to work for one whole day.