Clancy Roundup I

December 2, 2020

I’ve been quiet. Both here and in life.

But I’ve been saving it all up for you:

Jack is back in school full time. Every day he asks me when it will close again. (Not yet, kid. Not yet.)

One night we had burgers for dinner and I couldn’t figure out if I wanted mozzarella or goat cheese on it. “Goat! No! Mozzarella! No! Gah!” I mean, how could I possibly choose?

Ted taught The Dog “paw”. It’s the cutest friggin thing ever. But mostly because she just doesn’t understand what the heck is happening.

I walk around the house saying words like chandrasana and urdhva hastasana. It’s not annoying at all.

After spending thirty minutes peeling an apple with a paring knife just before bed, Charlie woke up the next morning and declared he wanted to cut more things. (Food things. Like fruit. In the kitchen. He’s not a total maniac.)

Tom spends most of his time in our art room attending grad school zoom classes. He comes out and talks to us about the Cold War. That’s not annoying at all either.

My bowling average is up. I think it’s because I now have bionic boobs.

Oh! I made it through an entire brunch with two of my coven and we didn’t mention my boobs once!

I’ve been hygge-ing every day. Embracing the early darkness with a candle lighting ritual at dusk. We haven’t summoned any demons yet, but I’m sure that’s coming. (What’s hygge? Here.

I’ve been writing. No, not just this. Other things. It’s all crap. I hope one day it’s good crap, but right now it’s just crap crap. Ramblings of a mad woman.

Kinda like this.

Which reminds me . . . Goat. I chose goat cheese




Clancy Roundup II